Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Options for a Psyd Degree

PsyD degree encompasses four-five years of study and then an internship, resulting in a license as a doctor in Psychology. The Psyd degree can be an applied/clinical practical degree, as well as a research degree. One can find significant discrepancies relating the two fields of specialization.
University and professional school programs are as well really different, not just in education, but also as financial expenses. Professional schools though may not always be the top option in all the fields of specialization that one might prefer. Yet, when it comes to selecting the best PsyD degree program, the decision is sometimes rather tricky, as there are various advantages as well as disadvantages that one should take into consideration.

You may attend such programs at a university or special professional schools, preferably pursuing a Psyd degree after getting a MS degree. However, one does not rely on the other. You may apply for a PsyD degree even if you haven't obtained your MS degree, but the process is going to be longer, that is why it is usually recommended to pursue the MS first. Yet, if you think you might be able to obtain your PsyD degree faster than average, not having previously earned an MS should not be an issue.

Various programs might allow you to take fewer classes or submit work in advance, therefore shortening the period for finishing the PsyD degree program, but the process is often very difficult . Not all PsyD programs will tolerate shorter studies, yet if you manage to complete your syllabi on time, during the first year or two you ought to be able to skip up to four classes every semester. Another alternative could be to transfer some of the courses from MS, although the sort of program you've chosen could be relevant for the information you can transfer, so you should also verify the sequence of the modules in your program.

However, in order to transfer such classes, prior attendance is required, if not the transfer will not be allowed. Particularly in the first year, the PsyD degree student may be limited regarding the classes offered. The mandatory courses should always have priority. Classes like Stats I, Adult Psychology, Child Psychopathology and Research Methods can usually be skipped in various university programs. Therefore if you're planning to do an MS and then pursue a Psyd degree program, you can also choose research-based MS programs which have a good history of getting people into doctoral programs. Furthermore, if you are thinking about shortening your study time in Psyd degree education, check your syllabi in time and submit your waiver as soon as possible, starting with the first years of study.

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